Find episode sources on the below links:
Season 3
S2E10 - TIFF & Toronto's Entertainment District
S2E9 - Exhibition Grounds (The CNE)
S2E8 - Short Jaunt: Broadview & Gerrard… And Riverdale Park
S3E7 - The Junction & Junction Triangle
S3E6 - Short Jaunt: Woodbine Beach & Park
S3E5 - RE-RELEASE: St.Lawrence/ Old Toronto
S3E3 - Short Jaunt: Montgomery Tavern
S3E1 - Short Jaunt: Allan Gardens
Season 2
S2E8 - Rosedale & St. James Town
Season 1
S1E5 - Castles seem like a lot of work (Casa Loma)
S1E4 - Death, Art and Giant Santas (Mount Pleasant)